D F L  ·  G e r m a n y  ·  2 0 2 0

Promo & Event Branding

The Supercup is a reunion, a football party where real fans come together to celebrate their teams, to celebrate football, and to perform some special rituals to show their support and sharing their passion... and by now, getting involved in the branding of this amazing event is also a tradition for us.

We started creating the branding for the Bundesliga's Supercup in 2018 and that was an amazing and award winning journey. 

For this year's campaign having no live audience was a challenge as any use of past year's footage might looked strange. DFL opted for an animation based on fringes that functioned as trails, as vectors of movement, and at the same time created the sensation of an audience, the DFL community, seen from afar, socially distant but cheerful and loyal as ever supporting their team and their colours, in the safe of their homes.​​​​​​​

DFL Digital Sports - Bundesliga

Art Director
Juan Pablo Kessler

Players Illustrations
Alejandro Guatelli and Rocio Ogñenovich

Original Score
Pablo Paz

Creative Direction, Art Direction and Graphic Production 
by Flopicco Inhouse Team
Florencia Picco, Fernando Vallejos, Natalia Español, Alejandro Guatelli, 
Pia Rossi, Pablo Camino, Martín Polech

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